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Executive Team

GREEN2GOLD unites highly experienced business advisers, cutting edge engineers, award winning designers, innovative developers, state of the art manufacturers, international practicing attorneys, world responsible trusted financial experts, creative professional educators, leading scientists, wide spectrum marketing and licensing established relationships, world helping inventors, innovators, social ventures, and non profit founders.

Green2Gold takes what you have, adds our creative energies and collective world connecting power, and converts that to palatable real life exciting consumer success.

About Green2Gold

We cannot do business just the way we have in the past: unbridled, war like competition, conflicts, narrow focused decision making, short-range actions and one-sided goals. We as a people are obviously overrun with greed, misuse of resources, misuse and abuse of our people and our world as a whole. Our business and personal decisions have continued to fill our planet with more and more fear, poverty, wars and pollution. The disharmony of the environment our mother planet now chokes in, reflects very little true deep commitment to planet responsibility or individual responsible decision making.Though, every generation shows some compassion to future generations, they have continued to make decisions that throw future generations into more and more planet-destroying dilemmas, where by the planet itself becomes more and more toxic and less and less inhabitable.

The Committee of Responsibility (COR) is many years in the making, and a new paradigm in bringing responsible, solid, unbiased, neutral, and deeply thought out examined decisions for nonprofit public benefit orgs as well as profit making businesses.

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Founding Honorary Directors & Consultants

Steve Allen


Marc B. Anderson

Executive Director, Citizens for a Better Environment

Thomas Bradley

Los Angeles City Councilman 1st Vice-President National League of Cities

John Byer, M.S.

Geologist, Certified Engineering Geologist

Eugene B. Gendel,

Ph.D. Professor of Economics, Woodbury University Burbank California (Formerly of California Museum of Science & Industry)

Nina Wilcox Merson

Co-Founder of Eco Expo

Rev. Peter Kreitler

Executive Director Earth Service, Inc.

Tony Schultz, PhD.

Director of Investigative Research & Communications Pulitzer Prize Winner, 1968

Mark Wexler

Consumer Consultant & Journalist

Richard T. Robbins

Director of E.E.G. Ohio

Grant Cary

Director Laurel Ecology Center

Richard Cramer

Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Quality Magazine

Dr. Dennis Gabor

Nobel Prize Winner Professor C.B.S. Laboratories, Professor Imperial College of Science & Technology (London)

Richard H. Gilluly

Environmental Journalist Former Environmental Editor Science News

Gary Greenberg

President Environmental Communications

Ms. K Lee

Secretary Creative Writer

Leonard Luskin

Assistant to the Director Lee & Betty Blodget Photographers Members of Sierra Club

Keith & Allison

Wegeman Youth Coordinators

Hannah Tarlitz

Elementary Education Consultant Representative at United Nation’s Conference on Human Environment

Dr. Bruce Halstead

Director World Life Research Institute

Dr. Henry Hill


Jerry Kovacks

MSCE, B.S., Civil Engineer, President Geology & Soils Consultants, Inc.

John McKenzie

President, Citizens for a Better Environment

Beatrice E. Willard, Ph.D.

Executive Office of the President, Council on Environmental Quality

Melvin H. Kirschner

M.D. Master of Public Health Medical Consultant & President of DesignVectors, Inc. Member of A.M.A

Bert Rogal

Mutli-Media Producer Director, Writer

Robert I. Ronka

Attorney at Law

Nancy Pearlman

Director Ecology Center of Southern California

Roderick Nash

Associate Professor of History & Environmental Studies, UCSB

Ronald Revere, B.S.

Biologist Fortney H. Stark, Jr. President Security National Bank

Richard C. Stayner

Director Environmental Alert Group

Alumni of Board of Directors

Dr. Noel Brown Chairperson Past Director United Nations Environment Programe United States Senator

Dr. Richard Saxon

Past President, Physicians for Social Responsibility (Los Angeles)United States Senator

Marvin A. Harten

Attorney at Law Engineering Consultant

Janet Woerner

Science Instructor & Director of “Ecosources” Freeland, Michigan Secondary Education Consultant

Mark Ross

Cultural Historian, Population Expert & Associate Editor of Environmental Quality Magazine

Layon Enterprises